Figs and Coconut Yogurt on Toast
This figgy toast is a celebration of summer. Figs are ripe in the height of summer, when the weather is at its warmest. You know you’ve found the perfect fig when it’s just started to crack at the stem and is bursting with juices. I love figs because they are the quintessential California summer fruit: it is the cherry to Washington State or the peach to Georgia. In fact, California produces 100% of the US’s dried figs and 98% of the fresh figs. This recipe will not work as well with dried figs, so consider this a seasonal treat.
1 slice of toasted paleo toast
2 T coconut yogurt
2 fresh figs, sliced in 1/4 inch slices
Toast your slice of bread of choice. I like paleo toast here because it is very hearty, but any other dense bread will do. Spread a layer of thick coconut yogurt on and then top with the slices of figs.